Thursday, October 31, 2019

America's Post-Civil War Growing Pains Research Paper - 2

America's Post-Civil War Growing Pains - Research Paper Example irm understanding of the ways in which reconstruction affected the United States much necessarily break down into highly specialized examinations of key groups and individual changes as any broad judgments make the risk of glossing over the ways in which minor details worked together to create major differentials. As a function of this, this brief analysis will seek to answer the following 5 key questions with relation to reconstruction: identification and discussion of two major historical turning points during the Reconstruction period, the impact of these two major historical turning points on society, economy, culture, and politics, discussion of two ways the Reconstruction period may have been different had Lincoln lived, discussion of how industrialization and urbanization affected the life of the average working American, and two examples of how the federal and/or state courts and legislatures handed down decisions or passed laws during the period that served to discriminate a gainst non-white citizens and immigrants (Nilsson 2012). With reference to the first question, the two major historical turning points during the period under the Reconstruction can definitively be those of the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad and the dawn of the industrial period ushered in by the Gilded Age (Bentrix 2007). Both of these factors helped to represent newfound opportunities for a host of disenfranchised and downtrodden individuals who had seen the hope of a better life all but implode as a result of the Civil War. With respect to the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, this enabled poorer families from back East to risk it all and move West in hopes of building a better life. In this way, the availability of the frontier was again able to absorb much of the historical difficulties that the American people had experienced. Secondly, the dawn of the industrial age helped to give a host of out of work farmers and others individuals well paying jobs

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Diversity in the Workplace Essay Example for Free

Diversity in the Workplace Essay Discrimination are more common in workplaces, because some people only think of discrimination as making a distinction and judgment of a person based on color of skin. Discrimination goes far beyond color of skin. A person can be disseminated agonist for their age, disability, gender, religion, or even for being pregnant. In a workplace there are standards and policies in place to decrease the chances of a person being discriminated against. When the staff is diverse in a workplace, discrimination less likely to happen. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission indicates that it is â€Å"illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability† (). I experienced discrimination in the workplace, and after making an EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) complaint on a supervisor, she became more discriminatory towards me. The supervisor would make racist statements, once she found out I put an EEO complaint in on her, she would deliberately change my schedule, and put me on shifts that I could not work, to get me to quit. Most places do not give â€Å"set schedules† which means a person works the same shift and works the same hours on the same days. However, the position I worked, was a set schedule position. After going through weeks of the hostile environment, and continued derogatory statements, I quit as it was stressing me out, which caused me to lose severe weight. There are federal and state legislation that supports fair and impartial practices in the workplace. Federal legislations that supports fair practices include: †¢Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; †¢The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), which protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination (Scott, 2014). †¢the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), which protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older; †¢Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), which prohibit employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the private sector, and in state and local governments; †¢Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities who  work in the federal government; †¢Title II of the Genetic Information Nondisc rimination Act of 2008 (GINA), which prohibits employment discrimination based on genetic information about an applicant, employee, or former employee; and †¢The Civil Rights Act of 1991, which, among other things, provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination (Scott, 2014). There are responsibilities that human resource managers should uphold to protect the employees from discrimination in the workplace. It is important for human service mangers to strive to have a diverse workplace, while maintaining awareness of equal employment legislation and affirmative action (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2012). Human service mangers objectives should include, but are not limited to promoting awareness of workplace diversity, develop and maintain a highly skilled, diverse and effective workforce, where all employees and members are valued, encouraged and provided with opportunities to develop their potential (Workplace Diversity, 2014). It I s also import to develop a supportive workplace culture which allows employees and members to balance their work and personal life, and provide a discrimination and harassment free workplace; and embrace workplace diversity principles in recruitment and selection processes (Workplace Diversity Plan, 2014). It is important for human service mangers and others who make decision to be aware of the effects of their practices (book). Their practices could either make the organization more effective and receptive, or continue discrimination against, women, elderly people, color people, and others (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2012). There are many strategies involved in risk management. One strategy is human resources being accountable and responsible for providing information and recommendations about local, state and federal laws pertaining to equity and human rights, including an affirmative action place (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2012). When human resource management are aware of their practices, human service organizations less likely to have cases of discrimination in the workplace. Another strategy is providing training in diversity and equity to increase knowledge and understanding of critical issues, improve job-related skills, develop leadership, and ensure responsive, sensitive support for individuals (Workplace Diversity Plan, 2014). Diversity within the workplace are paramount for human service workers and for management of human service organizations, because human  service organizations can offer services to a more diverse community with staff, who are culturally competent. This makes them able to give services to all group of people leaving no error for discrimination. When a human service organization is committed to helping children who are sexually abused, these is no room for discrimination. Diversity is important in the dream organization called ChildFocus Sexual Abuse Organization (CFSAO), as many children will be from different ethnic backgrounds, with different beliefs, and different social-economics statues. The experience explained above consists of a supervisor making racist statements. In the CFSAO, diversity would have a huge influence on the clients as well as the human service workers. Racism would have a negative impact on the sexual abused children, which would further traumatize and victimize a child. It is necessary for the staff to be culturally competent, and sensitive to the experiences of all sexually abused children and their families. Culturally competency would apply to the development and management aspects of human services, because it provides human service workers with effective services that are equally accessible to each of the diverse groups that the organization serves. In conclusion, there are federal and local laws that protect people from being discriminated in the workplace. The human resource managers should be aware of their practices during the interview and hiring process, by hiring a more diverse group of people for a human service organization. This would decrease the chances of human service workers or clients from being discriminated against. There are strategies that can help human service agencies decrease discrimination in a workplace which can include promote awareness in the workplace diversity, and develop a supportive workplace culture which allows employees and members to balance their work and personal life (Work Diversity Plan, 2014). It also important for human service workers to be culturally competent, so they are capable of serving all groups of people from different backgrounds.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What is Corporate Social Disclosure (CSR) Disclosure in Perspective Accounting

What is Corporate Social Disclosure (CSR) Disclosure in Perspective Accounting Social Responsibilitys company is not a new concept in society but progressively expand along with other concepts. Social responsibilitys company which is referred as Corporate Social Responsibility theoretically still generated the contradiction. Corporate Social Responsibility started to become the big issue and studied by a lot of party since early year 1960 in United States and in the early 1970 in Europe. In this time, Corporate Social Responsibility is become the important issue in business world and society and its discussion coverage even also immeasurable progressively along with progressively its excitement growth and business world. Progressively is wide coverage of discussion of this Corporate Social Responsibility, definition which is made by expert more immeasurable. Beside that, terms which emerge along with growth of Corporate Social Responsibility even also increasing and varying. Definition about corporate social responsibility still is difficult found in literature accountancy. The definition need a lot of consideration and consensus about any kind of competent included into company responsibility. However, if we discuss about a company choice in disclosure social responsibility reporting, we will agree that a company take charge that must be expressed related to accountability, not Introduction According To World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publicizing entitling Making Good Business Sense (2002) citing statement of Lord Holme and Richard Watts (2000) defining social responsibility company is: Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. ( For a while according to Elkington (1997) in Utomo (2000), company responsibility help the attainment focussed three company efficacy consisted of the social efficacy, environmental, and financial. This concept is known as Triple Bottom Line Success of a Company. For more clear depicted is in following schema: The Existing Of Triple Bottom line Success of a Company triggered by Corporate Financial Responsibility (CFR). After that company effort to minimize negative affect from environmental problem (CER), and strive the company for behave to matching with social environmental expectation (CSR). There are interconnected sliver and overall of the responsibility viewed as contribution of company and business world in general in realizing sustainable development (Suwardjono, 2005). Another definition mention: Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitment of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, the local community and society at large to improve their quality of life. (World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2002) Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility varied between definitions in one state with other state because what conceived of social responsibility form on the basis of awareness or initiative in one state just earn represent obligation in other state. For example, association of Corporate Social Responsibility in Ghana mentions: CSR is about capacity building for sustainable livelihoods. It respects cultural differences and finds the business opportunities in building the skills of employees, the community and the government ( While association of Corporate Social Responsibility in Filipina have a notion that CSR is about business giving back to society( Organization Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe is CSR Europe ( have a notion that company have two responsibility type that is first commercial responsibility which run the business successfully and secondly is social responsibility that is company role in society, where in form of various activity done by company besides activity of attainment maximize profit. This activity for example environmental continuity, paying attention to employees prosperity, running business pursuant to existing ethics, and active participate in society environment in place where the company operate. Griffin in Essential Business mention the social responsibility company with the term of Social Responsibility define: The attempt of business to balance it commitments to group and individuals in its environment, including customers, other business, employees and investors. According to him, social responsibility represent effort to balance various commitment for responsible to all investor that is maximize the profit company. Beside that, company also take charge to its consumer which is market the good quality product a commitment that possible trigger increase production cost and make the company have to settle for the lower profit. This matter then result a lot of irresponsible company to its consumer because enthusiastic to gratify the investor. From various definitions above, writer can conclude that social responsibility company is company continuation effort to balance the aspect of social-economy company in order to fulfilling obligation demand to all stakeholders fairly and proportional. CSR Model As long as bibliography research, there is three view or model depicting about company involvement in social activity. Third model that shall be as follows (Harahap, Sofyan Syafri, 2002): Classic Model This Opinion, expanding at 19th century, starting from perfect emulation concept, where economic perpetrator apart and differ from the other behavioral type and form. Company purposed to maximize profit. Criterion of company Efficacy measured by useful power and growth. According this opinion, effort that company done just to fulfill the market request and commercialize represent to capital owner. A Fundamentalist in this area, Milton Friedman, expressing: There is one and only one company responsibility, that is use owned properties to increase profit as long as according to rule of the game going into effect in a free computation system without deception and insincerity (Milton Friedman, Capitalism And Freedom, 1962). Sharpness, company according to this opinion neednt think of social effect which generated its company and neednt think of effort to repair social disease Management Model This opinion arise about 1930, after emerging new challenge of company having the nature of differing from previous situation which colored by idea of classic model. According to this opinion, company considered to be instituting of permanent which life and have separate target. Manager as one who trusted by owner of capital run a business for the sake of not only owner of capital, but also they are direct in concerned with company life, like employees, customer, supplier, and existing other party that bearing with company which do not solely based to the existence of contract (Franc X Suttin et. al, 1956 in Harahap, Sofyan Syafri, 1993). Thereby manager as team which responsible to the continuity of company life performed to chosen policy which must consider social responsibility company remember its relation with other party which also have share in attainment of company target which do not only thinking of return owner of capital. Social Environmental Model This Model emphasize that company believe that power of owned politics and economics have relation with importance source of social environment and not merely from market as according to classic model or theory. Its consequence company has to share active in finishing social disease which reside in its environment, like education system which is not certifiable, unlabor, pollution, dirty housing, not regular transportation, security, and others. If classic model have a purpose especial to secure and prosperous owner of secure and prosperous management model and capital of management, in this model company have to extend target which must reach of that is which concerning prosperity of social in general (Ahmed Belkoui 1980 in Harahap, Sofyan Syafri, 1993). Thereby, in chose project to found, beside pay attention percentage of profit, also have to pay attention advantage and disadvantage which possibly will be suffered by society. Pursuant to perception cursorily, either due influence of society demand through governmental hand and also change of human being attitude in company in this time. These matters go into effect, either in capitalist state, socialist, more than in our state. Pro and Contra about CSR Problem do company requires to take charge of social or not, still become erudite debate. Each telling opinion and his support and claim that his idea is correct. Following the reason of supporter so that company has social responsibility and ethics that is (Harahap, Sofyan Syafri, 2002): Involvement of social represents respond to society expectation and desire to role of company. On a long term, this matter very beneficial company. Involvement of social possibly will influence repair of environment, society, what possibly will degrade production cost. Improving company good name will generate customer sympathy, employees sympathy, investor, and others. Avoiding governmental interference in protecting society. So that if company has social responsibility possible can avoid demarcation of activity of company. Show positive respond company to value and norm going into effect in society, so that get society sympathy. As according to desire stockholder, in this case public. Lessening tension dislike of society to company which sometime hateful activity of society not possible to avoid. Assisting importance of national, like natural conservation, conservancy of artistic and culture goods, increase of people education, labor, and others. At others, reason of challenger which frowns on social responsibility concept of company shall be as follows: Calling away the attention company from target of the core important in searching profit. This will generate extravagance. Conducive involvement of company to politics game or power redundantly which in fact none its field. Generate the business environment which is homogeneous, not pluralistic. Social involvement need the big enough energy and fund which cannot be fulfilled by finite company fund, which can generate the bankruptcy or degrade the level of company growth. Involvement of complex such social activity need the energy and all expert which not yet already owned by company (Ahmed Belkoui, SEA 1984 in Harahap, Sofyan Syafri, 1993). Social Accounting Definition of Accounting which is often met in literature is definition opened by American Institute of Certified Public Accountant (AICPA), that is as follows Accounting is the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the result thereof. Other definition according to American Accounting Association (AAA) which shall no longer touch the word art but rather affirm at word of process (in Suwardjono, 2005): Accounting is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of the information. Definition which is much the same that according to AICPA 1970 that is (in Suwardjono, 2005): Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities that is intented to be useful in making economic decision. Paul Grady support the accountancy definition as science, representing definition completion from AICPA: Accounting is the body of knowledge and functions concerned with systematic ariginating, authenticating, recording, classifying, processing, summarizing, analyzing, interpreting, and supplying of dependable and significant information covering transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, required for the management and operation of an entity and for reports that have to be submitted thereon to meet fiduciary and other responsibilities. While for the congeniality of social accountancy, Ramanathan (1976) in Suwardjono (2005) defining as follows: Social accounting is the process of selecting firm-level social performance variables, measures, and measurement procedures; systematically developing information usefull for evaluating the firms social performance; and communicating such information to concerned social groups, both within and outside the firm. For a while according to Freedman (1989) : Social accounting has been defined as the ordering, measuring and analysis of the social and economic consequences of governmental and entrepreneurial behavior. From the congeniality above, if paid attention to that in general social accountancy congeniality in fact relate to accountancy congeniality. The different between conventional accountancy congeniality with the social accountancy is word of social itself. Social accountancy represents the conventional accountancy which deals with social transaction of company. While its accounting process basically is equal that is include the process of identifying, record-keeping, measurement, and disclosure. This matter is perceivable because social accountancy itself represents part of or the broader new scope conventional financial accounting Category Classifications Include in Social Accounting Social Accountancy can be told aim to measure and lay open entire expense and social benefit required by activity produce a company to yield the relevant information for interested parties for company. In line with the target, hence it is important to know scope from social accountancy before so that later can be identified the social benefit and type. Social accountancy scope represents the area becoming company attention referring to social impact disclosure of corporate activity. This scope social accountancy is divisible some category which different each other according to all expert. The difference because there is not standard format yet concerning category which must be mentioned by company in social responsibility reporting, considering that application of social accountancy does not have its regulation standard. Moreover, the category coalescence between companies which is one with other might possibly differ; depend on its requirement of each company and stakeholders. Following are opinions from some expert concerning the classifications category which is come within the social accountancys scope: 1) The National Association of Accountants Committee on Accounting for Corporate Social Performance, classification the primarily scope which require to be paid attention by company concerning his following social performance (Tuanakotta, Theodorus M, 1986 in Utomo, 2000) a) Society Involvement ( community involvement), covering activity most off all once will give the benefit to the society widely, for example development and house expenditure, philanthropy activity, planning and village repairing, and many more. b) Human resources are activities that give benefits to the employees, for example the practice program and uplifting of skill, repairing the working circumstance and atmosphere, policy concerning with the promotion and respective everything with the compensation to the employees. c) Physical Sources and environment contribution, that is hit the air quality and irrigate and also the voice pollutions controlling, and industrial garbage dismissal operation (continuation of environment) d) The Products Contribution / service, that is pay attention to the influence of product or service to the society by reckoning some consideration like product quality, product packer, product advertisement, rule of product warranty, and product security 2) Linowes in model of its social accountancy reporting classify three form categorize that is (in Freedman, 1989): a) Deal with society. b) Deal with environment. c) Deal with consumer 3) Parker (1989: 178 180) in Utomo (2000) mentioning the category which different each other for the type of reporting with the approach which different each other, that is: a) For the reporting model by Inventory Approach, consist of four categories: (1) labor, (2) community, (3) product, (4) environment. b) For the reporting model by Outlay-Cost Approach, consist of four categories: (1) personnel, (2) customer, (3) environment, (4) community. c) For the reporting model by the Cost Benefit Approach, consist of four categories: (1) employees, (2) consumer, (3) community, (4) environment. Disclosure Conceptually, disclosure represents the integral part from financial reporting. Technically, disclosure represents the final step in accountancy course that is information presentation in the form of a set full of the financial statement. Evans 2003, in Suwardjono, 2005) interpreting the disclosure as follow: Disclosure means supplying information in the financial statement, including the statements themselves, the notes to the statement, and the supplementary disclosures associated with the statement. It does not extend to public or private statements made by management or information provided outside the financial statement. More specific, Wolk, Tearney, and Dodd (2001), in Suwardjono, (2005) interpret the disclosures congeniality as follows: Broadly interpreted, disclosure is concerned with information in both the financial statement and supplementary communication including footless, post-statement events, managements discussion and analysis of operations for the forthcoming year, financial and operating forecasts, and additional financial statements covering segmental disclosure and extensions beyond historical cost. Evans limits the disclosures congeniality only at the things which is concerning with the financial reporting. The management statement in other; dissimilar mass media or newspaper and also information outside the financial reporting scope do not include in disclosure congeniality. Meanwhile, Wolk, Tearney, and Dodd also include the segmental financial statement and statement which reflected the prices change as part of disclosure. Expression also often meant as ready information more than what communicable in the form of formal financial statement. This matter seems in line with idea FASB in its conceptual framework as following (SFAC No. 1, PRG. 5, in Suwardjono, 2005): Although financial reporting and financial statements have essentially the same objectives, some useful information is better provided by financial statement and some is better provided, or can only be provided, by means of financial reporting other than financial statements. Disclosures Target In general, disclosures target presents the information which is considered necessary to reach financial reporting target and to serve various party having importance different each other. While the special target is as follows (in Suwardjono, 2005): 1) The Protection target The protection target based on the idea that do not all user sophisticated enough so that users which naÃÆ' ¯f require to be protected by laying open information which they not possible obtain or not possible to process information to catch the economic substations which base on a post of financial statement. In other word, disclosure intended to protect the management treatment which unjust possible and opened (unfair). 2) Informative Target Informative target based on the idea that user which is gone to clear with the certain sophisticated level. Thereby, disclosure instructed to provide the information which can assist user in making effective decision. 3) Special Requirement Target This Target represents the merger from the protection of public target and informative target. What have to be laid open to public limited by what considered necessary for user which is gone to, whereas for the purpose of observation, certain information have to be submitted to supervisor body pursuant to regulation through forms that claiming disclosure in detail. Other disclosure target that is according to Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). According to SEC of disclosure target categorized to become two that is: 1) protective disclosure, that intended as protection effort to investor, and 2) informative disclosure, which aim to give the competent information to report consumer (Wolk, Francis, and Tearney in Zuhroh, Diana and I Putu Pande, 2003) There is different idea in the case of how far the wide of disclosure of financial statement ought to be conducted and information requirement of consumer differ. There are three concept of concerning broadness of financial statement disclosure, (Eldon S Hendriksen, 1997 in Suwardjono 2005) that is Adequate, Fair, and Full Disclosure. The concept what most often practiced is Adequate Disclosure, which is minimum disclosure which must be fulfilled to make financial statement as a whole do not mislead for the sake of decision making. Fair disclosure containing ethical target by providing competent information to potential reader. While full disclosure representing disclosure for all relevant information. Full disclosure owning impression of information presentation abundance, so that some parties exactly have a notion bad. Abundantly information will be productive contra because detail disclosure which not is important so exactly will close the significant information to cause the financial statement difficult to be interpreted. But competent disclosure about the significant information to all investor and other party shall be adequate, complete and fair. There is no a marked difference among this concepts if altogether utilized in competent context Meanwhile there are two type of disclosure in its relation with the conditions specified by standard, first is mandatory disclosure, which is minimum disclosure, required by accountancy standard going into effect. And the second is voluntary disclosure that is disclosure of items done voluntarily by company without obliged by regulation, though all public company obliged to fulfill minimum disclosure, they differ by substantial in number information addition expressed to capital market. Motivation and Reason of Doing Social Disclosure According to Suwardjono (2005), some motivation which possible push the environmental and social performance information disclosure for example: To maintain the legitimacy of company operation (Legitimacy Theory). According to Legitimacy Theory, company conduct the certain activity, included in matter of information disclosure, because in order to obtain the legitimacy from society where the company operate and also as a strategy to keep the good relation between the company with the outside party (especially stakeholders) To manage or influence the certain group stakeholders who is looked having the strong influence. In stakeholders theory, company considers the existence of expectation, which different each other of group stakeholders that affect on operation and policy of information disclosure. 3) To increase properties of all stockholder and manager. Positive Accounting Theory has the assumption that everyone does the activity because pushed by its private interest accomplishment. If everybody has activity to fulfill its private interest, hence it can be that manager set mind to disclosure the environmental and social information because they expect to get the make-up of properties from the disclosure activity. Make-up of this manager property possible got from profit improvement or assesses the company. 4) Manager confidence that company have the accountabilities or duty to provide the certain information. Disclosure of social and environmental responsibility performance information can be pushed because manager believes that various group stakeholders entitled to know the operate implication for the company to environmental and social quality. 5) To hinder or preceding the effort recognition/making of disclosure regulation that more weighing. Manager do the environmental and social performance information disclosure in order to hindering government depress the pertinent industry, very possibly will disturb because too much reporting requirement. While the motivation and the reason why company conduct the social disclosure, which got from opinion ambit of all experts, for example: 1) To create the good impression about social value of company. Companies use social information to present themselves with a prosperous image and to show that they exhibit the same social norms and values as those of their society. (Parsons, 1956 in Parsa and Kouhy, 2000) 2) To support the continuity of company business. For companies to continue to survive and grow, they need to perform well and undertake various socially desirable actions, including distribution of economic, social or political benefits to the groups from whom they derive their power. (Shocker and Sethi, 1973 in Parsa and Kouhy, 2000) 3) To increase company legitimacy before stakeholders. The disclosure of social information is used as a means of legitimising corporate actions as well as projecting their values and ideas. (Dieckers and Voght, 2000 in Parsa and Kouhy, 2000) Companies disclose social information to legitimise their own existence. (Brown and Deegan, 1998 in Parsa and Kouhy, 2000) 4) As an effort for the minimization of Business Risk. Pursuant to the result of research into the Trotman and Bradley (1981, in Utomo 2000), by conducting social disclosure hence company will own the high systematic risk (for a while controlling easier for systematic risk than non-systematic risk). Social Disclosure in Annual Report Disclosure defined as providing a number of information required for the optimally operation in an efficient capital market (Hendriksen, 1996, in Zuhroh, Diana And I Putu Pande, 2003). There is a mandatory disclosure that is information disclosure which is obliged to be done by company rely on a certain standard or regulation, and there is having the character of voluntary, representing information disclosure exceed the minimum conditions from regulation going into effect. Each unit/economic perpetrator trying for importance of stockholder and its concentration at profit attainment also take charge of social responsibility, and that matter require to be expressed in annual report, as expressed by FASB (in Suadilman, 2000 in Zuhroh, Diana And I Putu Pande, 2003) and AICPA: Financial Reporting include not only financial statement, but also other means of communicating information that relates, direct or indirect, to the information provided by the accounting system. New releases, managements forecasts or other descriptions of it plans or expectations, and descriptions of its plans or expectations and descriptions of an enterprises social or environmental impact are examples or reports giving financial informations other than financial statements. (FASB, 1978 in Zuhroh, Diana and I Putu Pande, 2003) An Objective of financial statements is to report on these activities of the enterprise affecting society which can be determined and described or measured and which are important to the role of enterprises in its social environment.(Trueblood Commite Report, AICPA, 1973, in Suwaldiman, 2006) Annual Report Definition of annual report is as follows : At the top every analysts list (of financial reports used by analysts) is the annual report to share holders. It is the major reporting document and every other financial report is in some respect subsidiary or supplementary to it. Annual report is obliged to be submitted by company enlisting in Stock Exchange as activity reporting during one previous year to interested parties (stakeholders). Overall of content from annual report is not arranged by profession authority in charge like Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia (IAI), but arranged by Regulator of Stock Exchange that is Bapepam. The objective of annual report is: Useful to users of annual report in making investment, credit, and other decisions. Providing comprehensive report about the company prospect in future of operation activity, finance, and other relevant information. Providing information about the claims of company resources and also its change. Industrial Type High-Profile Company which is included in industrial type High-Profile according to Robert ( in Hackston and Milne, 1996 in Utomo, 2000) is company having high level sensitivities to environment, high politics risk or tight competition. While Diekers Preston ( in Hacston and Milne, 1996 in Utomo, 2000) depicting industry which that High-Profile as follows : companies whose economic activities modify the environment, such as extractive industries, are more likely to disclose information about their environmental impact than are companies in order industries. Cowen Et.Al. ( in Hackston Milne, 1996 in Utomo, 2000) enhancing as follows : Consumer-oriented companies can be expected to exhibit greater concern with demonstrating their social responsibility to the community, since this is likely to enhance corporate image and influence sales. High-Profile Companies generally representing company that obtaining focus from society because its operation activity owns the potency for correlated with the wide importance. Generally, society more sensitive to high-profile company because they negligence in security of production process and their result can bring the fatal effect for society. High-Profile Company is more sensitive to desire of consumer or other party which have importance to its product (Zuhroh, Diana and I Putu Pande, 2003). We can say that high-profile Company has possibility to cause the damage of other social impact or environment. The example is mining company, management of forest resource, chemical industrial and industrial agro, representing industry claiming wise social impact management remember its operation have impact with society life. Real example, in life is the case of gas leakage at Lapindo Company has fatal impact to society. As for company which classified in industrial group of high-profile according to Robert ( in Hackston and Milne, 1996 in Utomo, 2000) for example other oiling company and mining, chemical, forest, paper, automotive, air transport, agribusiness, tobacco and smoke, food and beverage product, media and communications, energy (electrics), engineering, health, and also transportation and tourism. Industrial Type Low-Profile Low-Profile Company represent the company which dont obtaining wide focus from society if their operation fail or mistake at certain aspect in process and result. When compared to high-profile company, company categorized in industry low-profile more tolerance by society if they doing mistake (Zuhroh, Diana And I Putu Pande, 2003). We can say that low-profile industry represent the industry type owning level of social risk which lowers than high-profile

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Globalization of Sports Essays -- Globalization, Sports

Sport is an ever growing aspect of our cultures, and as the access to different avenues of sport begin to present themselves we question the ability of sport organizations to expand globally. This review of literature will examine different avenues of sport and the research that has been done in regards to their effort to expand on a global scale. Arguably one of the most successful avenues of sport to expand globally is soccer. Soccer is played in more countries(204) than any other sport. (Klein, 2008) A perfect example of soccer as a brand that has expanded globally is Manchester United. In a case study by John S. Hill and John Vincent Manchester United’s Globalization in sport branding is examined through using David Aaker’s Brand Identity model. (Hill & Vincent, 2006) Aaker’s model breaks down what makes up the core and extended brand identities. (Aaker, 1996) These values that make up the core and extended brand identities are brand as product, brand as organization, brand as person, and brand as symbol. (Aaker, 1996) Hill and Vincent throughout this case study explain in detail these key values as they pertain to Manchester United which helps explain why Manchester United as a soccer team has become so successful. According to Hill and Vincent the brand as product is very marketable because t he familiarity of the basic concepts of the sport, the ease to play, the value of the English premier league as a league, and the country of origin for the modern game was invented in England. (Hill & Vincent, 2006) The brand as organization also is marketable due to the traditional club youth program, the adding of household names, and the fast pace of play that was created to increase excitement among fans. (Hill & Vincent... ...g sport: assessing the World Baseball Classic. Soccer & Society, 158-169. Luo, M. (2003, Febuary 9). Rocket's Yao Ming carries Asians in America to new heights. The Miami Herald. Maguire, J., & Bale, J. (1994). The global sports arena. Athletic talent migration in an interdependent world. London: Routledge. Means, J., & Nauright, J. (2007). Going global: the NBA sets its sights on Africa. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 40-49. National Basketball Association. (2005, April 12). NBA basketball stars reunite for Basketball without Borders Africa. Retrieved from Thibault, L. (2009). Globalization of Sport: An Inconvenient Truth. Journal of Sport Management, 1-20. Wang, C.-M. (2004). Capitalizing the big man: Yao Ming, Asian America, and the China Global. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 263-278.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Piotr Ilytich Tchaikovsky’s “1812” Essay

Composed by internationally-known classical musician, Piotr Ilytch Tchaikovsky, the classical music piece â€Å"1812 Overture in E Flat Major, Op. 49†, reflects the French invasion in Russia which was never victorious. With its full title, â€Å"The Year 1812,† Op. 49; French Ouverture Solonelle), the classical music also implies the withdrawal of Napoleon in 1812 during the Napoleonic Wars.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The musical elements in the composition display some underlying themes which made it more interesting: tone, rhythm, harmony, and form.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tone uniquely displayed the varying pitch all through out the musical piece. This is manifested by the high pitch and low pitch that could be observed in the piece. The combination of the different pitches made the musical piece interesting to listen to.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Meanwhile, another interesting about the musical elements present in the composition is its rhythm. Tchaikovsky used unique sound representations in the composition, some of which are the horns and the firing of the cannons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another musical element is harmony. Despite the different pitches and rhythm present in the piece, the harmony of the musical notes and instruments that are used appear to be in agreement with each other; no â€Å"out-of-place† tunes could be observed, I think.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, the form of the musical piece is also worth noting. The form which tells about the over-all structure of the musical composition is also outstanding. The combination of the musical notes, tempo, tone, and the other elements came out smoothly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, the 1812 Overture became known for its â€Å"real cannon fire† effects when it is performed live in outdoor events. Meanwhile, if the performance has to be done indoor, the orchestras use sounds representing the cannon fire through computer-generated sounds. Tchaikovsky entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory where he realized his true calling in the field of music. After some years, he later moved to another conservatory where he met a group of Russian composers. Those Russians were known to be nationalist which somewhat inspired Tchaikovsky in his second symphony entitled, The Little Russian. Being known as not sufficiently Russian and â€Å"cosmopolitan,† he was later rejected by this group. In 1880, Nicholas Rubenstein, Peter Illych Tchaikovsky’s mentor, suggested to Peter that a striking celebratory piece should be composed for festivities. The piece was to be presented in the square near the cathedral, with the accompaniment of a magnificent orchestra, cathedral bells and live cannon fire to attain the exactness stipulated by the musical score in which every shot was written exclusively (Lampson, 1999). Reference: Lampson, D. (1999). Piotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky.  Ã‚   Retrieved April 12, 2007, from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Forward the Foundation Chapter 17

10 Seldon strode into Amaryl's office, unannounced. â€Å"Yugo,† he said abruptly, â€Å"the session with General Tennar has been postponed.† He seated himself in a rather pettish manner. It took Amaryl his usual few moments to disconnect his mind from his work. Looking up finally, he said, â€Å"What was his excuse?† â€Å"It wasn't he. Some of our mathematicians arranged a week's postponement so that it wouldn't interfere with the birthday celebration. I find all of this to be extremely annoying.† â€Å"Why did you let them do that?† â€Å"I didn't. They just went ahead and arranged things.† Seldon shrugged. â€Å"In a way, it's my fault. I've whined so long about turning sixty that everyone thinks they have to cheer me up with festivities.† Amaryl said, â€Å"Of course, we can use the week.† Seldon sat forward, immediately tense. â€Å"Is something wrong?† â€Å"No. Not that I can see, but it won't hurt to examine it further. Look, Hari, this is the first time in nearly thirty years that psychohistory has leached the point where it can actually make a prediction. It's not much of one-it's just a small pinch of the vast continent of humanity-but it's the best we've had so far. All right. We want to take advantage of that, see how it works, prove to ourselves that psychohistory is what we think it is: a predictive science. So it won't hurt to make sure that we haven't overlooked anything. Even this tiny bit of prediction is complex and I welcome another week of study.† â€Å"Very well, then. I'll consult you on the matter before I go to see the General for any last-minute modifications that have to be made. Meanwhile, Yugo, do not allow any information concerning this to leak out to the others-not to anyone. If it fails, I don't want the people of the Project to grow downhearted. You and I will absorb the failure ourselves and keep on trying.† A rare wistful smile crossed Amaryl's face. â€Å"You and I. Do you remember when it really was just the two of us?† â€Å"I remember it very well and don't think that I don't miss those days. We didn't have much to work with-â€Å" â€Å"Not even the Prime Radiant, let alone the Electro-Clarifier.† â€Å"But those were happy days.† â€Å"Happy,† said Amaryl, nodding his head. 11 The University had been transformed and Hari Seldon could not refrain from being pleased. The central rooms of the Project complex had suddenly sprouted in color and light, with holography filling the air with shifting three-dimensional images of Seldon at different places and different times. There was Dors Venabili smiling, looking somewhat younger-Raych as a teenager, still unpolished-Seldon and Amaryl, looking unbelievably young, bent over their computers. There was even a fleeting sight of Eto Demerzel, which filled Seldon's heart with yearning for his old friend and the security he had felt before Demerzel's departure. The Emperor Cleon appeared nowhere in the holographics. It was not because holographs of him did not exist, but it was not wise, under the rule of the junta, to remind people of the past Imperium. It all poured outward, overflowing, filling room after room, building after building. Somehow, time had been found to convert the entire University into a display the likes of which Seldon had never seen or even imagined. Even the dome lights were darkened to produce an artificial night against which the University would sparkle for three days. â€Å"Three days!† said Seldon, half-impressed, half-horrified. â€Å"Three days,† said Dors Venabili, nodding her head. â€Å"The University would consider nothing less.† â€Å"The expense! The labor!† said Seldon, frowning. â€Å"The expense is minimal,† said Dors, â€Å"compared to what you have done for the University. And the labor is all voluntary. The students turned out and took care of everything.† A from-the-air view of the University appeared now, panoramically, and Seldon stared at it with a smile forcing itself onto his countenance. Dors said, â€Å"You're pleased. You've done nothing but grouse these past few months about how you didn't want any celebration for being an old man-and now look at you.† â€Å"Well, it is flattering. I had no idea that they would do anything like this.† â€Å"Why not? You're an icon, Hari. The whole world-the whole Empire-knows about you.† â€Å"They do not,† said Seldon, shaking his head vigorously. â€Å"Not one in a billion knows anything at all about me-and certainly not about psychohistory. No one outside the Project has the faintest knowledge of how psychohistory works and not everyone inside does, either.† â€Å"That doesn't matter, Hari. It's you. Even the quadrillions who don't know anything about you or your work know that Hari Seldon is the greatest mathematician in the Empire.† â€Å"Well,† said Seldon, looking around, â€Å"they certainly are making me feel that way right now. But three days and three nights! The place will be reduced to splinters.† â€Å"No, it won't. All the records have been stored away. The computers and other equipment have been secured. The students have set up a virtual security force that will prevent anything from being damaged.† â€Å"You've seen to all of that, haven't you, Dors?† said Seldon, smiling at her fondly. â€Å"A number of us have. It's by no means all me. Your colleague Tamwile Elar has worked with incredible dedication.† Seldon scowled. â€Å"What's the matter with Elar?† said Dors. Seldon said, â€Å"He keeps calling me Maestro.' â€Å" Dors shook her head. â€Å"Well, there's a terrible crime.† Seldon ignored that and said, â€Å"And he's young.† â€Å"Worse and worse. Come, Hari, you're going to have to learn to grow old gracefully-and to begin with you'll have to show that you're enjoying yourself. That will please others and increase their enjoyment and surely you would want to do that. Come on. Move around. Don't hide here with me. Greet everyone. Smile. Ask after their health. And remember that, after the banquet, you're going to have to make a speech.† â€Å"I dislike banquets and I doubly dislike speeches.† â€Å"You'll have to, anyway. Now move!† Seldon sighed dramatically and did as he was told. He cut quite an imposing figure as he stood in the archway leading into the main hall. The voluminous First Minister's robes of yesteryear were gone, as were the Heliconian-style garments he had favored in his youth. Now Seldon wore an outfit that bespoke his elevated status: straight pants, crisply pleated, a modified tunic on top. Embroidered in silver thread above his heart was the insignia: SELDON PSYCHOHISTORY PROJECT AT STREELING UNIVERSITY. It sparkled like a beacon against the dignified titanium-gray hue of his clothing. Seldon's eyes twinkled in a face now lined by age, his sixty years given away as much by his wrinkles as by his white hair. He entered the room in which the children were feasting. The room had been entirely cleared, except for trestles with food upon them. The children rushed up to him as soon as they saw him-knowing, as they did, that he was the reason for the feast-and Seldon tried to avoid their clutching fingers. â€Å"Wait, wait, children,† he said. â€Å"Now stand back.† He pulled a small computerized robot from his pocket and placed it on the floor. In an Empire without robots, this was something that he could expect to be eye-popping. It had the shape of a small furry animal, but it also had the capacity to change shapes without warning (eliciting squeals of children's laughter each time) and when it did so, the sounds and motions it made changed as well. â€Å"Watch it,† said Seldon, â€Å"and play with it, and try not to break it. Later on, there'll be one for each of you.† He slipped out into the hallway leading back to the main hall and realized, as he did so, that Wanda was following him. â€Å"Grandpa,† she said. Well, of course, Wanda was different. He swooped down and lifted her high in the air, turned her over, and put her down. â€Å"Are you having a good time, Wanda?† he asked. â€Å"Yes,† she said, â€Å"but don't go into that room.† â€Å"Why not, Wanda? It's my room. It's the office where I work.† â€Å"It's where I had my bad dream.† â€Å"I know, Wanda, but that's all over, isn't it?† He hesitated, then he led Wanda to one of the chairs lining the hallway. He sat down and placed her on his lap. â€Å"Wanda,† he said, â€Å"are you sure it was a dream?† â€Å"I think it was a dream.† â€Å"Were you really sleeping?† â€Å"I think I was.† She seemed uncomfortable talking about it and Seldon decided to let it go. There was no use pushing her any further. He said, â€Å"Well, dream or not, there were two men and they talked of lemonade death, didn't they?† Wanda nodded reluctantly. Seldon said, â€Å"You're sure they said lemonade?† Wanda nodded again. â€Å"Might they have said something else and you thought they said lemonade?† â€Å"Lemonade is what they said.† Seldon had to be satisfied with that. â€Å"Well, run off and have a good time, Wanda. Forget about the dream.† â€Å"All right, Grandpa.† She cheered up as soon as the matter of the dream was dismissed and off she went to join the festivities. Seldon went to search for Manella. It took him an extraordinarily long time to find her, since, at every step, he was stopped, greeted, and conversed with. Finally he saw her in the distance. Muttering, â€Å"Pardon me- Pardon me-There's someone I must-Pardon me-,† he worked his way over to her with considerable trouble. â€Å"Manella,† he said and drew her off to one side, smiling mechanically in all directions. â€Å"Yes, Hari,† she said. â€Å"Is something wrong?† â€Å"It's Wanda's dream.† â€Å"Don't tell me she's still talking about it.† â€Å"Well, it's still bothering her. Listen, we have lemonade at the party, haven't we?† â€Å"Of course, the children adore it. I've added a couple of dozen different Mycogenian taste buds to very small glasses of different shapes and the children try them one after the other to see which taste best. The adults have been drinking it, too. I have. Why don't you taste it, Hari? It's great.† â€Å"I'm thinking. If it wasn't a dream, if the child really heard two men speak of lemonade death-† He paused, as though ashamed to continue. Manella said, â€Å"Are you thinking that someone poisoned the lemonade? That's ridiculous. By now every child in the place would be sick or dying.† â€Å"I know,† muttered Seldon. â€Å"I know.† He wandered off and almost didn't see Dors when he passed her. She seized his elbow. â€Å"Why the face?† she said. â€Å"You look concerned.† â€Å"I've been thinking of Wanda's lemonade death.† â€Å"So have I, but I can't make anything of it so far.† â€Å"I can't help but think of the possibility of poisoning.† â€Å"Don't. I assure you that every bit of food that came into this party has been molecularly checked. I know you'll think that's my typical paranoia, but my task is guarding you and that is what I must do.† â€Å"And everything is-â€Å" â€Å"No poison. I promise you.† Seldon smiled, â€Å"Well, good. That's a relief. I didn't really think-â€Å" â€Å"Let's hope not,† said Dors dryly. â€Å"What concerns me far more than this myth of poison is that I have heard that you're going to be seeing that monster Tennar in a few days.† â€Å"Don't call him a monster, Dors. Be careful. We're surrounded by ears and tongues.† Dors immediately lowered her voice. â€Å"I suppose you're right. Look 'round. All these smiling faces-and yet who knows which of our friends will be reporting back to the head and his henchmen when the night is over? Ah, humans! Even after all these thousands of centuries, to think that such base treachery still exists. It seems to me to be so unnecessary. Yet I know the harm it can do. That is why I must go with you, Hari.† â€Å"Impossible, Dors. It would just complicate matters for me. I'll go Myself and I'll have no trouble.† â€Å"You would have no idea how to handle the General.† Seldon looked grave. â€Å"And you would? You sound exactly like Elar. He, too, is convinced that I am a helpless old fool. He, too, wants to come with me-or, rather, to go in my place. I wonder how many people on Trantor are willing to take my place,† he added with clear sarcasm. â€Å"Dozens? Millions?† 12 For ten years the Galactic Empire had been without an Emperor, but there was no indication of that fact in the way the Imperial Palace grounds were operated. Millennia of custom made the absence of an Emperor meaningless. It meant, of course, that there was no figure in Imperial robes to preside over formalities of one sort or another. No Imperial voice gave orders; no Imperial wishes made themselves known; no Imperial gratifications or annoyances made themselves felt; no Imperial pleasures warmed either Palace; no Imperial sicknesses cast them in gloom. The Emperor's own quarters in the Small Palace were empty-the Imperial family did not exist. And yet the army of gardeners kept the grounds in perfect condition. An army of service people kept the buildings in top shape. The Emperor's bed-never slept in-was made with fresh sheets every day; the rooms were cleaned; everything worked as it always worked; and the entire Imperial staff, from top to bottom, worked as they had always worked. The top officials gave commands as they would have done if the Emperor had lived, commands that they knew the Emperor would have given. In many cases, in particular in the higher echelons, the personnel were the same as those who had been there on Cleon's last day of life. The new personnel who had been taken on were carefully molded and trained into the traditions they would have to serve. It was as though the Empire, accustomed to the rule of an Emperor, insisted on this â€Å"ghost rule† to hold the Empire together. The junta knew this-or, if they didn't, they felt it vaguely. In ten years none of those military men who had commanded the Empire had moved into the Emperor's private quarters in the Small Palace. Whatever these men were, they were not Imperial and they knew they had no rights there. A populace that endured the loss of liberty would not endure any sign of irreverence to the Emperor-alive or dead. Even General Tennar had not moved into the graceful structure that had housed the Emperors of a dozen different dynasties for so long. He had made his home and office in one of the structures built on the outskirts of the grounds-eyesores, but eyesores that were built like fortresses, sturdy enough to withstand a siege, with outlying buildings in which an enormous force of guards was housed. Tennar was a stocky man, with a mustache. It was not a vigorous overflowing Dahlite mustache but one that was carefully clipped and fitted to the upper lip, leaving a strip of skin between the hair and the line of the lip. It was a reddish mustache and Tennar had cold blue eyes. He had probably been a handsome man in his younger days, but his face was pudgy now and his eyes were slits that expressed anger more often than any other emotion. So he said angrily-as one would, who felt himself to be absolute master of millions of worlds and yet who dared not call himself an Emperor-to Hender Linn, â€Å"I can establish a dynasty of my own.† He hooked around with a scowl. â€Å"This is not a fitting place for the master of the Empire.† Linn said softly, â€Å"To be master is what is important. Better to be a master in a cubicle than a figurehead in a palace.† â€Å"Best yet, to be master in a palace. Why not?† Linn bore the title of colonel, but it is quite certain that he had never engaged in any military action. His function was that of telling Tennar what he wanted to hear-and of carrying his orders, unchanged, to others. On occasion-if it seemed safe-he might try to steer Tennar into more prudent courses. Linn was well known as â€Å"Tennar's lackey† and knew that was how he was known. It did not bother him. As lackey, he was safe-and he had seen the downfall of those who had been too proud to be lackeys. The time might, of course, come when Tennar himself would be buried in the ever-changing junta panorama, but Linn felt, with a certain amount of philosophy, that he would be aware of it in time and save himself. Or he might not. There was a price for everything. â€Å"No reason why you can't found a dynasty, General,† said Linn. Many others have done it in the long Imperial history. Still, it takes time. The people are slow to adapt. It is usually only the second or even third of the dynasty who is fully accepted as Emperor.† â€Å"I don't believe that. I need merely announce myself as new Emperor. Who will dare quarrel with that? My grip is tight.† â€Å"So it is, General. Your power is unquestioned on Trantor and in most of the Inner Worlds, yet it is possible that many in the farther Outer Worlds will not just yet-**accept a new Imperial dynasty.† â€Å"Inner Worlds or Outer Worlds, military force rules all. That is an old Imperial maxim.† â€Å"And a good one,† said Linn, â€Å"but many of the provinces have armed forces of their own, nowadays, that they may not use on your behalf. These are difficult times.† â€Å"You counsel caution, then.† â€Å"I always counsel caution, General.† â€Å"And someday you may counsel it once too often.† Linn bent his head. â€Å"I can only counsel what seems to me to be good and useful to you, General.† â€Å"As in your constant harping to me about this Hari Seldon.† â€Å"He is your greatest danger, General.† â€Å"So you keep saying, but I don't see it. He's just a college professor.† Linn said, â€Å"So he is, but he was once First Minister.† â€Å"I know, but that was in Cleon's time. Has he done anything since? With times being difficult and with the governors of the provinces being fractious, why is a professor my greatest danger?† â€Å"It is sometimes a mistake,† said Linn carefully (for one had to be careful in educating the General), â€Å"to suppose that a quiet unobtrusive man can be harmless. Seldon has been anything but harmless to those he has opposed. Twenty years ago the Joranumite movement almost destroyed Cleon's powerful First Minister, Eto Demerzel.† Tennar nodded, but the slight frown on his face betrayed his effort to remember the matter. â€Å"It was Seldon who destroyed Joranum and who succeeded Demerzel as First Minister. The Joranumite movement survived, however, and Seldon engineered its destruction, too, but not before it succeeded in bringing about the assassination of Cleon.† â€Å"But Seldon survived that, didn't he?† â€Å"You are perfectly correct. Seldon survived.† â€Å"That is strange. To have permitted an Imperial assassination should have meant death for a First Minister.† â€Å"So it should have. Nevertheless, the junta has allowed him to live. It seemed wiser to do so.† â€Å"Why?† Linn sighed internally. â€Å"There is something called psychohistory, General.† â€Å"I know nothing about that,† said Tennar flatly. Actually he had a vague memory of Linn trying to talk to him on a number of occasions concerning this strange collection of syllables. He had never wanted to listen and Linn had known better than to push the matter. Tennar didn't want to listen now, either, but there seemed to be a hidden urgency in Linn's words. Perhaps, Tennar thought, he had now better listen. â€Å"Almost no one knows anything about it,† said Linn, â€Å"yet there are a few-uh-intellectuals, who find it of interest.† â€Å"And what is it?† â€Å"It is a complex system of mathematics.† Tennar shook his head. â€Å"Leave me out of that, please. I can count my military divisions. That's all the mathematics I need.† â€Å"The story is,† said Linn, â€Å"that psychohistory may make it possible to predict the future.† The General's eyes bulged. â€Å"You mean this Seldon is a fortune-teller?†** â€Å"Not in the usual fashion. It is a matter of science.† â€Å"I don't believe it.† â€Å"It is hard to believe, but Seldon has become something of a cult figure here on Trantor-and in certain places in the Outer Worlds. Now psychohistory-if it can be used to predict the future or if even people merely think it can be so used-can be a powerful tool with which to uphold the regime. I'm sure you have already seen this, General. One need merely predict our regime will endure and bring forth peace and prosperity for the Empire. People, believing this, will help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand, if Seldon wishes the reverse, he can predict civil war and ruin. People will believe that, too, and that would destabilize the regime.† â€Å"In that case, Colonel, we simply make sure that the predictions of psychohistory are what we want them to be.† â€Å"It would be Seldon who would have to make them and he is not a friend of the regime. It is important, General, that we differentiate between the Project that is working at Streeling University to perfect psychohistory and Hari Seldon. Psychohistory can be extremely useful to us, but it will be so only if someone other than Seldon were in charge.† â€Å"Are there others who could be?† â€Å"Oh yes. It is only necessary to get rid of Seldon.† â€Å"What is so difficult with that? An order of execution-and it is done.† â€Å"It would be better, General, if the government was not seen to be directly involved in such a thing.† â€Å"I have arranged to have him meet with you, so that you can use your skill to probe his personality. You would then be able to judge whether certain suggestions I have in mind are worthwhile or not.† â€Å"When is the meeting to take place?† â€Å"It was to take place very soon, but his representatives at the Project asked for a few days leeway, because they were in the process of celebrating his birthday-his sixtieth, apparently. It seemed wise to allow that and to permit a week's delay.† â€Å"Why?† demanded Tennar. â€Å"I dislike any display of weakness.† â€Å"Quite right, General. Quite right. Your instincts are, as always, correct. However, it seemed to me that the needs of the state might require us to know what and how the birthday celebration-which is taking place right now-might involve.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"All knowledge is useful. Would you care to see some of the festivities?† General Tennar's face remained dark. â€Å"Is that necessary?† â€Å"I think you will find it interesting, General.† The reproduction-sight and sound-was excellent and for quite a while the hilarity of the birthday celebration filled the rather stark room in which the General sat. Linn's low voice served as commentary. â€Å"Most of this, General, is taking place in the Project complex, but the rest of the University is involved. We will have an air view in a few moments and you will see that the celebration covers a wide area. In fact, though I don't have the evidence available right now, there are corners of the planet here and there, in various University and sectoral settings mostly, where what we might call ‘sympathy celebrations' of one sort or another are taking place. The celebrations are still continuing and will endure for another day at least.† â€Å"Are you telling me that this is a Trantor-wide celebration?† â€Å"In a specialized way. It affects mostly the intellectual classes, but it is surprisingly widespread. It may even be that there is some shouting on worlds other than Trantor.† â€Å"Where did you get this reproduction?† Linn smiled. â€Å"Our facilities in the Project are quite good. We have reliable sources of information, so that little can happen that doesn't come our way at once.† â€Å"Well then, Linn, what are all your conclusions about this?† â€Å"It seems to me, General, and I'm sure that it seems so to you, that Hari Seldon is the focus of a personality cult. He has so identified himself with psychohistory that if we were to get rid of him in too open a manner, we would entirely destroy the credibility of the science. It would be useless to us. â€Å"On the other hand, General, Seldon is growing old and it is not difficult to imagine him being replaced by another man: someone we could choose and who would be friendly to our great aims and hopes for the Empire. If Seldon could be removed in such a way that it is made to seem natural, then that is all we need.† The General said, â€Å"And you think I ought to see him?† â€Å"Yes, in order to weigh his quality and decide what we ought to do. But we must be cautious, for he is a popular man.† â€Å"I have dealt with popular people before,† said Tennar darkly.

Valentines Day Essay

Valentines Day Essay Valentine's Day Essay Valentine's Day Essay This is a free sample essay on Valentine's Day. If you need custom assistance with Valentines Day essay writing, do not hesitate to request professional help of our essay writers! Let our writing experts help you with writing your unique, interesting, and original Valentines Day essay especially for you! Our writing services are legal, safe, and reliable! It happens around this time every year. We men undergo a transformation. This transformation is not by choice. In fact, we have no say in it whatsoever. It's the time of the year when the women in our lives transform us from ordinary guys to Valentines. It's the time of the year when we start to look a little better, our annoying hang-ups become cute idiosyncrasies and our previous miscues are forgotten in the eyes of women. It's the time of the year when we have a little more potential, the kind women say they can work with. And it's the only time when women say they like us just the way we are.Whether you know it or not, you're in somebody's sights, you're on some woman's short list of potential Valentine's Day dates. It could be the new woman in your office, the lead singer in the church choir who always manages to look your way sometime between the halle and the lujah, or the checkout girl at the convenience store who always gives you too much change, but she is so cute that you give it back to her because you don't want her to get in trouble. Indeed, Valentine's Day is upon us, and the pressure will be on all Brothers to do right by their lady. But there's no need to fear it, no need to try to hide out until it's all over.Where many of us make our mistake is in thinking February 14th is the sole day of the year to be romantic. When, in fact, Valentine's Day should be embraced, welcomed with open arms each year as the culmination of being thoughtful and considerate, imaginative and sincere during the previous 364 days of the year.So you say you're not the romantic type? Well, I'm here to help. Start with these nine imaginative things you can do all year long to assure yourself a place in your lady's heart before, on and after Valentine's Day.* Talk to her. Having a woman fall head over heels in love with you starts with the realization that, for women, love has more to do with emotions than with physical traits. So don't always start off in fifth gear, don't get stuck on sex talk all the time. Talk about other topics of mu tual interest. Talk about her job, your job, world issues. But in order to talk, you have to have something to talk about. Stay abreast of current events. Work on adding a little substance to her style.* Sweet-talk her. Leave a trail of chocolate kisses from the front door to the bedroom, right up to the bed. Leave a note on the bed that reads I kiss the ground you walk on.* Write to her. Write a love note or poem on a piece of paper and then cut it up into puzzle-like pieces. Send one a day to her.* Kiss her. Spend one solid hour exploring various kissing techniques. And every now and then, surprise her with a kiss before she can finish a sentence.* Praise her. Tell the world how great she is. Build your lover a Web page expounding your love for her. Mention special moments and add some photos. Surf the Web with her one day and just stumble upon it. Or have someone send her an anonymous e-mail with the link inviting her to the special page.* Surprise her. Before she takes a shower, write the words I love you with your finger on the bathroom mirror. It will magically appear in the condensation as she showers.* Flirt with her. Flirting is a basic instinct, a part of human nature. Ask her how she's doing. Talk to her with an open mind. Listen, really listen, to her. Laugh at her jokes. Make eye contact. But not just eye contact. Hold it a second or two longer than you normally would. Compliment her routinely. Brush the lint off her jacket. Touch her hand in the midst of sharing a laugh.* Pique her curiosity. It should be your goal to always leave your lady wanting more. Put a single red rose on the seat of her ear before she goes to work. On that day at work, she'll think about how great you are all day long. On occasion, play romantic games with her. Take a picture of yourself in the sexiest outfit possible. Hide it in a secret spot in your house and leave her clues on how to find it.* Take her for a ride. Put a blindfold on her and drive to a place where you h ave a blanket, candles, strawberries, sparkling drinks, and a rose.If you follow these simple tips, you're practically guaranteed to have a Valentine's Dayand a lasting romanceto remember.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Historical Cause and Effects

Historical Cause and Effects Person’s name: Nelson Mandela Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Historical Cause and Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Person’s name: Commodore Perry Person’s name: Pope Leo X Person’s name: Cortez Combined: Nelson Mandela, Pope Leo X, Commodore Perry, and cortex The prohibition of marriages Act was first passed in South Africa in 1949. This Act prohibits marriages between people of different races. Marriages between people of different races was termed illegal and had to be discouraged through the introduction of the Act. Before the enactment of the Act mixed marriages had already declined to about 0.23% of all the marriages in the country. The Act latter became effective in all African countries which still exist in some countries. After the election of P.W. Botha, as president the Act was repealed (Marryat, 50).Advertising Looking for report on history? Let's see if w e can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Instead of the Act bringing people together, it led to an increase in the levels of discrimination witnessed between the white and other races. The African could be seen as inferior to the whites and were denied equal opportunities as those given to the whites. People lived according to their cultures which they were not ready to let go. This further increased the disparity that existed between races leading to more discrimination. President P.W Both played a crucial role in demolishing the Act. He saw it as a hindrance to economic growth and development since people would find it difficult to work together with people from different races. Today, the Act has lost its significance and people have started intermarrying. This has resulted to a decline in the levels of discrimination which in turn has led to economic development in Africa. People are now free to marry publically from a person of their choice i rrespective of their ethnicity or race. Prison on Robben Island in Africa Robben Island has been a home for thousands of people for many years. However, since early seventh century, Robben Island has for most of the time been used as a prison. It is also used as a hospital, and a training station for the defense force. According to Marryat (97), the first people to be imprisoned in Robben Island prison were the first president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, Robert Sobukwe, and other activists. In early 19th century, Robben Island acted as a hospital since it was seen as a secure place with a good environment for treating diseases. It was used as a hospital for treating leprosy and chronic diseases which was ineffective due to the in availability of cure. It therefore acted as a kind of prison even for the mentally ill and those suffering from leprosy since it would take a very long period of time before they fully recovered. Towards the end of the 20th century (1997 to be precise) Robben Island was used as a heritage site as well as a museum. Today, the museum takes center stage in the country’s heritage. It has become a tourism site that attracts hundreds of people from all over the world.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Historical Cause and Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The fact that, it acted as the prison for most activists including president Nelson Mandela, has made it a dynamic museum where educational programs are run as well as research. It earns the country huge amounts of foreign exchange which have contributed to economic growth and development for the country. The Great Schism in Europe The Great Schism refers to the rift that was formed in the Catholic Church in the 17th century A.D. This marked the start of the separation that exists between the Roman Catholic and the Greek Catholic. Before the separation, the Catholic Church was ruled by five patriarchs eac h of the governing a patriarchate. These patriarchates were found in Rome, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria. Those in Rome spoke in Latin whereas the others spoke Greek since they were located in the East. Later the Emperor, Constantine, had the desire of creating an empire and moved the Christian empire to Byzantium. This was the time when the Germanic tribes began their invasion across Europe which plunged Europe into Dark Ages. There was economic, geographical, political interference that eventually resulted into the rift (the Great Schism) between the East and the West. The Western theologians could not speak Greek and therefore they were not able to read the books written by the eastern theologians. They had to write their own books in Latin since majority of the theologians were from the east. The Greek language was more flexible than the Latin which made writing easy and more expressive. Due to the inflexibility of the Latin language, there was a decline in the literacy for cing the clergy to act as the main teaching authority. This resulted into more differences which aggravated the tension between the East and the West. In the west, new Christians had to use Latin as their ecclesiastical language, and look for leadership from Rome (Gstohl 3). On the other hand, new Christians in the East were able to read in their mother language since the missionaries translated the bible into different languages. More churches grew in the East which were independent of their mother church and were administered and governed separately. All clergy in the west were required by Rome to be celibate whereas the East allowed them to marry.Advertising Looking for report on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The effects of the Great schism are still felt today. It marked the beginning of the Protestant churches which are different from the Roman Catholic Church. Even today, clergy from the Roman church are not allowed to marry whereas the protestant clergy are encouraged to marry. The Reformation in Europe The European reformation occurred in the 16th century. It can be considered as one of the major historical events to have ever occurred in the world. Through the reformation, the bible was discovered which is now accessible in almost all languages. Before the reformation, there was no freedom regarding principle of religion, the rule of law, liberty, and separation of powers. It was through the European reformation that all these was achieved and continue to be enjoyed today. The early reformers fought for religious principles regarding the scriptures as being the only form of authority, and Christ being the head of the church (Gstohl 2) The reformation was seen as the only way of doi ng away with the irreligious acts that were practiced by the clergy. The church had become corrupt and allowed worldly practices which were also practiced by the clergy in the name of religion. They had a strong desire to rule the church and all its followers and be seen as men with authority. This disheartened many people who started crying for a reformation. The reformers were determined to change the moral lives of the followers especially the clergy and would not leave any stone unturned. Popes had forgotten their role in church and the only way to get them on tract was through a reformation (Ronald 4) The European reformation freed many governments from the authority laid by the popes and was able to make their own decisions. Peasants were also freed from paying taxes and countries such as England, were able to exercise their authority without the church interfering (Gstohl 3). The European reformation gave birth to the protestant movement which respected the bible and its auth ority. Church’s authority declined and people were able to live their lives as they pleased. was it not for the reformation, the Roman church would now be a den of robbers with the clergy trying to control everyone for their own benefits but not that of the church. European diseases in the early Americas When Europeans came to North America in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, they entered new territory, not only in terms of geography, but also in terms of culture, society, religion, technology and economics. Lacking information, they made a number of critical miscalculations about the New World. Many settlers assumed the climate would be similar to that of Europe at the same latitudes, but the differences between climates and ecologies of New England and Southern France, for instance, became apparent. As it turned out, the harsh winters and hot summers of eastern North America proved to be far more challenging than the early settlers had anticipated (Ronald 4). The foo ting of Europeans on the new continent was tenuous at first. Some of the European settlers, relying on incomplete, inaccurate or downright false information about the New World, brought with them crops that were difficult or impossible to grow where they landed, a factor that contributed to the high death rate among the early settlers. The Europeans were not able to withstand the harsh weather and as a result, they contacted many diseases among them being typhoid, and malaria. This later spread to the North American especially the ones living in the east where the where there was a bigger population of the Europeans. These diseases spread like fire and consumed a lot of time and money to treat while researchers looked for ways of preventing them. Commodore Perry’s Black Ships in Asia The black ships refer to the Japanese ships that arrived in the 15th to the 19th century. Commodore Matthew Perry went on a pilgrimage by ship to Japan in 1853 to introduce the importance of trad e to this isolated country of Japan. While Perry explored Japan, realistic paintings were fashioned on canvas showing the American point of view. During the same time period, an unknown Japanese artist sketched his ideas of the events that transpired while the U.S. Navy explored Edo and other sections of Japan. Two artists contributed to the understanding of the epic mission by the U.S. into Japan. The then US leader (Perry) advocated for scientific invention (Ronald 7). In 1954, the treaty between Commodore Mathew C. Perry and the Tokugawa shogunate opened ports in Japan that made trade easy between the Japanese and the U.S. sailors. However, it did not establish permanent residence except the one in Shimoda. United States Imperialism in Latin America At the beginning of the Great Depression, the United States troops were sent to explore Latin American for more than thirty times. These troops used the Roosevelt Corollary to justify their intervention to the Latin Ameriacan because they could not find any other excuse. The United States perceived itself as a civilized nation which had the right to intervene in other western countries for the purpose of stopping wrongdoing. Police power was used among the Latin Americans since they involved themselves in â€Å"chronic wrongdoing† which had to be put to an end. The imperialism of the U.S in Latin America changed the political, economic, and social stability of the country. Economic expansion was witnessed in major sectors and this was made easy by the introduction of the policy referred to as â€Å"the dollar diplomacy†. Through this policy, businesses in America and in other countries were protected resulting in economic development. Former governor of the Phillippines, William Howard Taft was behind the dollar diplomacy policy which he used to protect the American investments. The U.S imperialism marked the beginning of economic prosperity in the western countries which is still evident today. Th ese countries are the most developed nations in the world both economically and financially. Gstohl, Mark. The Magisterial Reformation. Theological Perspectives of the Reformation, 2004. Web. Marryat, Frederick. The Mission; or Scenes in Africa, 2001. London: Nick Hodson. Ronald Segal. The Black Diaspora: Five Centuries of the Black Experience outside Africa, 1995. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Concept of oragnizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concept of oragnizations - Research Paper Example As the economic situation continues to be difficult, organizations will find it difficult in abiding by their budgets. More resources and attention will be needed to manage and run organizations in the near future (Robbins, Campbell, & Judge, 2010). In my view, these are the most significant challenges because the new leaders of organizations are not adequately furnished with techniques, insight, and knowledge necessary for efficiency. Also, without addressing the issue of burnout, organizations may lose valued and experienced workers. Finally, leaders will be faced with difficult choices on how to adequately meeting the budgetary requirements while still strategizing for the future (Brickley, Smith, Zimmerman & Willett, 2000). The employer should permit a vibrant discussion or a healthy debate among people in the organization so as to choose the most appropriate solution to the challenges (Brickley, Smith, Zimmerman & Willett, 2000). I would choose these steps because if they are utilized, they will enhance the probability of successfully enforcing a change attempt. This is because all people will take part in identifying the problem and solution. The model is unworkable because organizations are affected by situations that frequently change over time. Also, an effective organization demands a comprehension of the core components of organizational principles and techniques, which most manages do not posses (Ott, Parkes & Simpson, 2008). Untested presumptions and inability to consider the informal organization force us to rethink classical design. Numerous presumptions made by classical design are not based on scientific examinations. They are based on value decisions that illustrate what they perceive to be correct attitudes and moral codes toward success. They fail to realize workers may have needs unconnected to work situations. Classical design also ignores informal associations as portrayed by

Friday, October 18, 2019

Field site task Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Field site task - Essay Example Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE) is an essential part of almost all the Tasmanian educational institutions has been designed and implemented at school level. It contains variety of disciplines in their vast fold including History and Geography in particular and Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science and Economics in general; all of them are required to be kept in view while making a learning plan as the part of classroom curriculum on the one hand and field side task on the other. The best teaching plan will be the one designed to meet the needs and interests of the particular students we are teaching. (McDonald, 2001:23) I have selected the Salmon Ponds in my plan as the area situated in Derwent Valley for my field side task. Since fieldwork is an essential part of my course in SOSE, so all the activities related to it must be well-knitted and properly planned according to the requirements and patterns designed and developed for this purpose. Before embarking upon the t opic, it would be advisable to introduce and discuss the historical and geographical significance of the area under study. Salmon Ponds is situated in the Derwent Valley, which is not only an important part of Tasmania, but also is a remarkable region containing gorgeous scenes of natural beauties and worthwhile charms. Due to its splendid landscapes, magnificent planes and pageant hills, the valley captures the attention of visitors from different parts of the world. Since Tasmania maintains a rich cultural heritage, ideal geographical location and traditional historical background, it is therefore the area provides a lot for studies and research work especially in the discipline of SOSE. It is estimated that Aborigines were the most primitive community of the region, which have been stated living in this area for the last 35,000 years. Tasmania is said to be linked with the mainland nearly ten

Three Main Concepts Of Leisure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Three Main Concepts Of Leisure - Essay Example The past experiences, leisure have been defined as the free time or something that one wants to do freely. Others define it as relaxing and spare time or time for doing nothing. The approach is different from the considered diverse because the definition of the term is not static but dynamic. Therefore, the first concept of the leisure is defined as time. In this definition, leisure is defined as the time that allows an individual to have greater freedom. For instance, if the work schedules offer time off, the time that one has to do his own stuff can be considered leisure. However, the definition of free time is challenging based on the concept of free. Freedom is a factor that is defined by the culture and the nature of the society. For working class, it may be considered as the off time given by the company or the organization. However, the case becomes complex if looking at the retired persons because the definition changes completely because the available time increases thus mak ing the situation complex when looking at leisure as a time-based subject. Leisure can also be defined as the activity which is considered as leisurely. The Greek definition of leisure is a serious activity without pressure. It means that the activity is not done as a compulsory subject but is defined done by one’s personal appeal. While addressing the challenge of leisure as an activity, it is evident that all the activities done cannot be classified as leisure with some considering playing softball as leisure. While activity as leisure offers an absurd ideology, others consider leisure as the stat of existence or mind which can be addressed differently and handled based on the mood contemplation. The difference of ideologies are different but do not address the challenge of definition differences. The challenge of the word is the diverse nature of the activities and states associated leisure.

Human Recourse Management Amounts to Little More Than a Simple Essay

Human Recourse Management Amounts to Little More Than a Simple Reworking of the Human Relations School of Management - Essay Example This essay stresses that there are several factors which have there impact on the growth of the HRM as a field. The main factors are economy and society. During the period of agrarian economy the social structure and economy was very simple. It developed into a complex system during industrial revolution. The social set up changed. There was more emphasis on the productivity. Manufacturing industry contribution to economy decreased in subsequent years and Service Industry experienced growth. The importance of human increased due to the fact that human is important factor in the production and consumption of services. Human resources have been an important factor of production from the agrarian economy. This paper makes a conclusion that the scientific methods of management by Taylor and his stress on efficiency improvement gave food of thought to others. Mayo and others focused on the soft components of workers’ life. These were the psychological and social components. This was the starting of the study of human resource management. Various theories of motivation, leadership, loyalty, perceptiuon, behaviour and others have developed. The contributions of Human Relations School of Management encouraged the managers and leaders to understand individuals’ various needs and develop their human resource strategies on the basis of that. This have demanded for an individual department in the organisations. It is Human Rsource Management department which independently handles the needs and requirements of the human resource. Hu

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Prin of Organizational Behav Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prin of Organizational Behav - Assignment Example It is not in the best interest of any company to have a high employee turnover rate. It takes money and time to properly train an employee. Also new employees must master the learning curve of their job to become effective workers. Another con associated with high employee turnover is loss of tacit knowledge (Goessl). Employee turnover can hurt a company especially when the firm loses employees that are hard to replace due to a shortage of talent available in the job market. There are different personality types or managerial styles. Three of those styles are charismatic, transactional, and transformational leaders. A charismatic manager is a person that uses their personal abilities to have a profound effect on their workers. This type of personality is effective at the executive management level. The personality type that I think is most effective for your typical manager is transactional leader. A transactional manager is a person that performs the necessary exchanges with their employees to ensure they get the job done. A bad decision maker is a person that does not use the scientific method in order to analyze potential solutions to find the best alternative to solve a problem. Another characteristic of poor decision makers is that they do not listen to the input from their co-workers. Good decision makers follow the six step rational model to make decisions. The six step rational decision model is illustrated below: 5. What variable pay programs does your organization use? If your company does not use variable pay programs, do you think they should? Why or Why Not? Do you think the addition of these programs would be motivational for the employees in your organization? The organization I work for does not use variable pay programs. I believe that the company should implement the use of variable pay program. The reason I believe variable pay would be beneficial to both the

Developing a Shared Vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Developing a Shared Vision - Essay Example g the healthcare industry, healthcare leaders are changing and adjusting to new measures to enable them lead the healthcare organizations they are leading. Healthcare leaders in the modern healthcare industry face a vast array of challenges, from layoffs because of reducing revenues, staff shortages, re - organization in response to merging of consolidation services, poor job satisfaction rates resulting in Turnover to poor performance outcomes leading to a reduction in Medicare Reimbursement Dollars. In the past, healthcare leaders have not faced so many issues as now. Due to these issues, healthcare leaders have resulted to certain skills, individual features and leadership features to enable them mitigate the challenges faced. As the manger of an ancillary service department at a large, 500 + bed hospital, several challenges have affected the ancillary service department. These challenges include staff shortage and layoffs due to declining revenues. This paper describes a proposal directed to staff to address the two issues. Staffs are a vital component of a healthcare’s system unit. Hence, it is important to keep them informed regarding issues that are affecting the hospital so that they are not caught off guard on mitigation measures put in place by the hospital’s management to solve the challenges. Informing staff makes them feel part of the hospital. It boosts their morale in spite of the challenges. The hospital faces two challenges that are staff shortage and layoffs due to reducing revenues. These challenges are not a call to panic or give up. However, they are a call to unity, cohesiveness and adaptation in order to overcome them as valuable contributors to the day-to-day running of the hospital and healthcare in the country. As you all know, both of these challenges are not unique to the hospital. They are nationwide issues. However, as a hospital, the management would like to take its own initiative to mitigate these issues. Staff shortage in